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Pledges to a better Scotland

As a candidate in the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary election, we are inviting you to pledge to promote as many as the below pledges to better help voter understand what you are standing for.

If you have any questions or want to speak with us please contact us :

Pledge 1 Enviroment
Pledge 1: Protecting Scotland's Environment for the Future

A Push Towards Agroforestry 

  • Push agroforestry as a means to better deal with the climate crisis. 


Renewable Energy

  • Prioritise Scotland’s off-shore wind energy opportunities in order to meet current energy targets. 

Pledg 2 Education

Pledge 2: Education 

Cultural Education for Communities: Glocalisation

  • Encourage higher-quality diversity monitoring.

  • Add community cohesion goals to the Race Equality Framework.

  • Focus on ‘glocalising rural areas’.


Data Literacy in Schools

  • Work towards implementing data education as a form of critical digital literacy, across Scotland/

  • Increase support for professional learning on computing science and data literacy for teachers through increased investment in continued professional development and industry support schemes. 

Pledge 3 Health

Pledge 3: Improving Scotland’s Health

Tackling Health Inequalities

  • Position reducing health inequality as a primary principle in health policymaking.

  • Work towards incorporating more participatory budgeting within public health.


Mental Health

  • Endorse See Me’s Declaration of Rights for Mental Health in Scotland.

  • Support workplaces to introduce and act upon SAMH’s Components for and Effective Workplace Programme for Mental Health.

Pledge 4 Protecting vulnerable

Pledge 4: Protecting Vulnerable People 

Homelessness and Housing

  • Commit more funding to the building of affordable housing

  • Increase transparency and accountability in the bureaucracy surrounding homelessness applications


Promoting High-Quality Asylum Claim Processing

  • Continue and expand the New Scots Strategy

Pledge 5 Economy

Pledge 5: Economy 

Demystifying Railways

  • Improve transparency with better disclosure of policies.

  • Clarify the motivation and goals of projects to show alignment with values set out in the National Transport Strategy


4-Day Work Week

  • Support the beginning of the transition to a 4-day work week.

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